Thursday, May 17, 2007

Biking is fun!

Training inside on the trainer is like torture to me. I feel lethargic and I don't really care. I find it hard to do intervals because I have no incentive. There's no downhill, there's no wind at my back.

Thank goodness for outdoor training!!! This weekend I hope to get in a good 60 to 80km ride. For the past couple of Tuesdays I've been doing some hills on Highway #5 because it feels so good. I even have a friend to do it with! I quickly jotted down my stats from last week and I did it this week too... I guess just to compare. It's nice to know I'm getting faster... even if it is marginally.

Tuesday, May 8:
Distance: 40.5 km
Time: 1:39:36
Avg: 24.4 km/hr
Max: 41.3 km/hr

Tuesday, May 15:
Distance: 41.12 km
Time: 1:37:51
Avg: 25.3 km/hr
Max: 51.0 km/hr

Tonight is the mountain bike riding with the ladies, but I might skip it. The house is still a disaster from moving and vacationing. Plus it would give my legs a nice break.

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