Monday, January 29, 2007

Back into the pool!

It felt so good this morning to hit the pool. Last night I made a pitiful attempt at biking. Motivation was not there and I couldn't find my headset so I couldn't talk on the phone, plus I ran out of time. So I did half an hour on the bike. I did get my heart-rate up a bit, so that was good.

This morning I was up bright and early at 6:00 and swam with the Masters swim club. It always feels so good to cut through the water on the first push of the workout. I feel like a fish for a few brief moments. We did a lot of backstroke, so I should talk to her about whether I can do more freestyle. At the same time, I really like changing it up. So if I keep doing my long freestyle Sunday swims then it might be good to change it up with these workouts. The workout was a total of 2000m with lots of kick.

After a good 8 hours of sleep and a great workout, I'm feeling pretty darn excellent.

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